Final Presentation

Friday, February 5, 2010

Women Are The Victims of Sexism

This article discussed how sexism is still common within American society. It continues to be evident based upon the fact that women still have not gained equality in business, the military, sports, politics and even in their own household. From multiple sources of background information, I have come to the conclusion that women refuse to challenge traditional gender roles. Instead, they carry on the typical positions of women such as a teacher, cook, or housewife.
The author, Andrea Poe, tries to convince feminists to defy this stereotype, and become even more active in today’s culture. She demonstrated the need for change by explaining how some aspects of our daily lives have still not progressed over time. In the business world, “Some women have found cracks in the glass ceiling, far more have not” (Women Are the Victims of Sexism). The reason for this is because women are not trusted with the jobs of corporate America. Men have little faith in the capabilities of women, showing why only a small amount of them have found those "cracks" in business. With sexism in the workplace, it is no wonder why "Women continue to be the primary engineers of the cooking, cleaning, and the running of time-consuming household chores " (Women Are the Victims of Sexism). Society makes these unwritten rules too difficult to change, therefore making women continue these trends currently, and for years to come. Women also tend to struggle in having a big role in politics. We still have not had a female president, however we have made progression after Hillary Clinton's campaign. Once a woman becomes president, I believe there will be much more respect for women all over the country. That action would show that Americans have begun to make real gains in providing women with equality.
Even though the struggle for equality continues today, Poe believes that "It may be women, more than men, who perpetuate traditional gender roles" (Women Are the Victims of Sexism). This explains that women are in their current position because of their own choices and actions. Poe further discussed this idea by mentioning some of the traditions of the American home-life. On Christmas, parents usually give their daughters dolls, make-up kits, or a kitchen set, which only allows the present gender roles carry on. They get their child the typical gift instead of getting them a soccer ball, or some other gift that may be given to a boy. In this case, society is not having any input in the decision of the parents. They are following the trend of each gender role, and increasing the chance of their children doing the same thing. With this idea in mind, are women really the victims of sexism like the title implies? It seems that even though women keep fight for equality, at the same time they are pushing themselves farther from any real achievement. And in some ways I do believe that it is the women's fault for conforming to the opinions of society. However, there are many more cases that still need to be fought against that make women the victims. I do believe women should be treated fairly in business, especially when it comes to being paid the same amount as a man. Women deserve to have equal opportunities, but that chance can never come without the effort and unity women had in the past.

"Women Are the Victims of Sexism." Opposing Viewpoints: Feminism. Jennifer A. Hurley. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 2001. Opposing Viewpoints Resource Center. Gale. Deerfield High School. 5 Feb. 2010

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