Final Presentation

Monday, February 8, 2010

Women Still Earn Less Than Men Because Of Sex Discrimination

Many articles have agreed that women bring it upon themselves to be looked at as less than men in the workplace. However, this article proved that there is still a gap between how much men and women make due to sex discrimination. Evelyn Murphy and E.J. Graff argued that even though women have made successful progression in the areas of education, experience, and opportunities, they still make twenty three cents on the dollar less than men. Some may beleive that twenty three cents does not make that big of an impact on the income of women. This is because they do not consider how much money it could have added up to in their lifetime. They do not realize that the difference women make compared to men could affect their retirement fund, mortgage, food budget, and many more. Along witht this, employers do not see how their unequal technique of payment is affecting the lives of women. Many families have to go through the struggle of only relying on their mother to bring home enough money. This brings up the question, "Why should families be punished simply because the breadwinner is a woman?" (Women Still Earn Less Than Men Because Of Sex Discrimination). It seems unfair that a family should have to suffer because they are victims of sex discrination. Women should be paid equally if they have the same skill as men, but that clearly cannot be the case in our society today. This is especially important for women that bring in the majority of the family's income because they could have a harder time helping their family simply due to their gender. Many of the excuses companies use have to do with women having babies that they choose to take care of. They said that this causes the women's average wage to be lower, however "Only full-time workers' wages are added in" (Women Still Earn Less Than Men Because Of Sex Discrimination). This proves that this is no excuse for companies to be using. What they do not want to admit is that it is their discrimination against women that cause the gap. The authors then brought up the point, though, that sex discrimination isn't necessarily intential. Sometimes "Much of it happens through mindless bias and careless sterotyping" (Women Still Earn Less Than Men Because Of Sex Discrimination). But reguardless of whether it's intential or not, is it not the responsibility of our country to fix what is unfair? Companies have preconcieved notions about women not having the same ability as men, which causes women to be cheated unequal wages. And although many will protest again the progression women have been able to make, this process must continue until women are considered equal to men, especially in the workplace.

Graff, Evelyn Murphy and E.J. "Women Still Earn Less Than Men Because of Sex Discrimination." Opposing Viewpoints: Working Women. Ed. Christina Fisanick. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2008. Opposing Viewpoints Resource Center. Gale. Deerfield High School. 8 Feb. 2010 .

1 comment:

  1. Hi Aliza,

    I saw in an earlier post that you were thinking about looking at women and the workplace during WWII. Below are some books available at the DHS library that you might be interested in:

    Pushing the limits : American women, 1940-1961.
    305.4 MAY

    The home front and beyond : American women in the 1940s.
    305.4 HAR

    American women and World War II
    940.53 W378

    Good luck in your search!

    Ms. Fiorito
